
Teaching Bodies

The Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (DEAMS) teaching management is entrusted to the Coordination Units of the degree courses:


Stage and job opportunities: 

Please find below the names of the teaching supervisors to be contacted with regard to

reference to the laboratory/internship activities envisaged in the three-year degree courses
and master's degree courses:

University's portal for job opportunities: 



Below are the offices to which students can turn for information on

Most student requests are addressed to the Student Secretariat (central office). Information about Student secretariat and specific offices are available HERE

  • UFFICIO AMMISSIONI: enrolment, incoming transfers, admission to courses with programmed access.  *  Email: deams.ammissioni@amm.units.it   *  Tel. 040 558 2907/2984  (from Monday to Friday: 12.00-13.00; Monday and Thursday: 15.00-16.00)
  • UFFICIO CARRIERE STUDENTI: for study plans, profit examinations, enrolment in subsequent years and part time, transfers to another course of study, outgoing transfers, degree applications and other certifications. *  Email: economia.studenti@amm.units.it  *   Tel. 040 558 2896  (from Monday to Friday:  12.00-13.00; Monday and Thursday: 15.00-16.00)
  • TASSE, CONTRIBUTI ED ESONERI: taxes and ISEE.  *  Email: tasse.studenti@amm.units.it  *   Tel. 040 558 3731 (from Monday to Friday: 12.00-13.00; Monday and Thursday: 15-16.00).

DEAMS' Didactic Secretariat manages teaching activities and supports professors. More information hereThe departmental secretariat is NOT a the secretariat for students. The only student's activity that is managed by this office relates to Stages and internship activities. More information about stages and opportunies here

Contact persons for activities with and for students:

TUTORS: tutors are students formally assigned to carry out educational tutoring and/or liaison activities between students and teachers, and other specific activities. 

STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVES: student representatives represent students' interests in formal departmental bodies and manage two-way communication channels with students


 Other interesting links for teaching activities:

  • Universitaly (MIUR portal to guide the choice of study course)



Last update: 05-03-2024 - 17:10