List of Expired Teaching Staff News

Published onsort ascending Campus Category Lecturer Reference
11/16/2016 Trieste Lessons Economic Geography Class 17 - 18 November 2016 Borruso Giuseppe
11/13/2016 Trieste Lessons LUISELLA LEONZINI
11/09/2016 Trieste Office Hours Economic Geography Class 10 November 2016 Borruso Giuseppe
10/09/2016 Trieste Lessons Business English
09/25/2016 Trieste Lessons LUISELLA LEONZINI
09/15/2016 Trieste Office Hours Torbianelli
06/17/2016 Trieste Exams LUISELLA LEONZINI
05/11/2016 Trieste Office Hours Office hours Pappada' Roberta
05/04/2016 Trieste Lessons Practical session Statistics Pappada' Roberta
04/06/2016 Trieste Office Hours Office hours Pappada' Roberta
03/21/2016 Trieste Office Hours Office hours Pappada' Roberta
03/18/2016 Trieste Lessons Accounting class of March 22nd canceled Bertoni Michele
01/24/2016 Trieste Exams Tomorrow exams Valentinuz Giorgio
12/30/2015 Trieste Office Hours Office hours Borruso Giuseppe
12/01/2015 Trieste Exams Accounting - Extraordinary exam in December Bertoni Michele
11/09/2015 Trieste Lessons Economic Geography classes 12-13 November 2015 Borruso Giuseppe
10/08/2015 Trieste Exams Accounting - Extraordinary exam in October Bertoni Michele
09/10/2015 Exams Registration on libretto exams NEGRU&LEONZINI
07/07/2015 Trieste Office Hours Important: Office hours changes Valentinuz Giorgio
07/01/2015 Trieste Office Hours Next office hours Valentinuz Giorgio

