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MIB Open Day: Deams presents Master's Degrees.
MIB Open day: Deams presents Master's Degrees.
Event typology:
MIB Trieste Open Day: DEAMS presents master's degrees.
Saturday, March 9, from 09:30 a.m.
Palazzo Ferdinandeo - TriesteLargo Caduti di Nasiriya 1, Trieste
How to get there.
On March 9, MIB Trieste is holding an Open Day at its historical location Palazzo Ferdinandeo to explore, experience and learn about its programs, history and community. There will also be the opportunity to attend a live lesson.
The University of Trieste will also be present with the Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics presenting its proposed Master's Degree Programs.
All information about the day: HERE.
REGISTRATION is kindly requested to attend.

Palazzo Ferdinandeo - Trieste
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1, Trieste
How to reach us.
Last update: 02-09-2024 - 21:58