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Stati Generali dello Sport di UniTS
Stati Generali dello Sport di UniTS
Event typology:
On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. at Conference Room 1_A, I floor building "D" (Economics), the UniTS States General of Sport will be held.
The event entitled Healthy and Robust Constitution - States General of Sport at the University of Trieste will include speeches by Professors, Champions, Territorial Personalities, Olympic Sportsmen.
It will also be possible to give evidence of one's experience of sports activities carried out within the university (e.g. tournaments, trainings, events) with a short testimony of maximum 5 minutes.
Those interested can report it to comitato.sport@units.it with title and description of the speech by Monday, Feb. 19.
Technical Administrative Staff are not expected to participate during working hours.
Here is the full program of the initiative.
Last update: 02-09-2024 - 22:02