Tutor students



The DEAMS offers students an information service provided by students with more academic seniority, who lend their experience to those having difficulty navigating the university labyrinth.

The student tutors are a team of student coaches, chosen from among the best students in the economics, business and mathematics-statistics degree courses, who are ready to offer support in guiding freshmen - and not only - in choosing a study plan, providing information on class schedules and lecturers' receptions, as well as gathering students' requests and needs in order to highlight potential gaps and propose improvements within the university and the department.


There are three types of tutor: 




Orientation tutors are students who help students find the information they need, but they also represent an interface between students, lecturers and technical administrative staff. Together with student representatives, student tutors provide information, actively collaborate with lecturers and collect feedback from students.


  • Interface activities between students and the teaching structure:

Beatrice Lot - beatrice.lot@studenti.units.it


  • Support to orientation events organized by DEAMS and University

Elisabetta Pozzetto -  elisabetta.pozzetto@phd.units.it


  • Tutor to assist and support relationships among students, delegate professor and teaching structure. 

Denis Angarano - domenicodenis.angarano@studenti.units.it


  • Tutor for international mobiliy. 

Margherita Giunta - margherita.giunta@studenti.units.it




The DEAMS works for the welfare of students and has therefore established the Tutor for Students' Wellbeing and Relations with Disabilities/DSA Office, a student - who is typically embarking on a university course in the field of psychology - who offers to listen to any student who would like or need to talk to someone, and/or is experiencing difficulties in the course of his or her studies (e.g. concerning psychological wellbeing, university life, study method, approach to the world of work). Any exchange will remain confidential.


Ricevimento su appuntamento (tramite mail) presso aula tutor stanza 1.27, piano 1, edificio D.





Teaching tutors are students who offer support to students in the study and understanding of specific examination subjects. Students can contact student tutors to make an appointment to, for example, further their explanation of a mathematical demonstration, an exercise or to discuss examination material.



  • Tutor al corso di Matematica (in italiano)

    Filippo Piccotto - filippo.piccotto@phd.units.it

    Ricevimento su appuntamento presso la stanza 4.14 o via Teams.


    • Tutor al corso di Microeconomics (in inglese)

    Maksym Koltunov - maksym.koltunov@phd.units.it  


    • Tutor al corso di Economia Aziendale

    Samantha Barresisamantha.barresi@deams.units.it

    Orario di ricevimento, dal 3 maggio fino al 24 maggio, ogni venerdì dalle 10:30 alle 12:30, stanza 1.27, I° piano - edificio D.

    A partire dal 3 giugno in poi ogni martedì dalle 10:30 alle 12:30, stanza 1.27, I° piano - edificio D.


    • Tutor al corso di Accounting

    Saeed Abdullah - saeedmd.abdullah@phd.units.it



Prof.ssa Paola ROSSI, Delegate for tutoring and study support, prossi@units.it

Prof. Ludovico CARRINO, Delegate for relations with students, ludovico.carrino@units.it.


Last update: 02-21-2025 - 09:07