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Business English (2007-2008)
Academic Year of the Course:
Business English
Teaching staff:
Kaylynn Horn
Course Outlines:
A comprehensive exam will be given assessing the various topics and subjects presented during the course and listed above. The exam will be primarily written / multiple choice with the addition of a listening activity and an oral evaluation immediately following the written section of the exam. The oral and the written sections must be taken on the same day. Registration for the oral exam will be during the written exam. The oral evaluation will be a job interview scenario. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information and the text books for the course. Students are to bring their libretto to the exam. Students are permitted to use monolingual or bilingual dictionaries only during the last segment of the exam. The final mark is a comprehensive evaluation of work completed during the course and the final exam. A later registration date will be announced. There is no registration on exam days. There are specific dates for final mark registration which are different from exam dates.
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EXAM PROCEDURES AND FINAL MARKS - A comprehensive exam will be given assessing the various topics and subjects presented during the course and listed above. The exam will be primarily written / multiple choice with the addition of a listening activity and an oral evaluation immediately following the written section of the exam. The oral and the written sections must be taken on the same day. Registration for the oral exam will be during the written exam. The oral evaluation will be a job interview scenario. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information and the text books for the course. Students are to bring their libretto to the exam. Students are permitted to use monolingual or bilingual dictionaries only during the last segment of the exam. The final mark is a comprehensive evaluation of work completed during the course and the final exam. A later registration date will be announced. There is no registration on exam days. There are specific dates for final mark registration which are different from exam dates.
*Provide fundamental English grammar, pronunciation, and comprehension exercises appropriate to the students’ proficiency level with a focus on Business English and Economics
*Present a comprehensive array of English learning activities within a framework and context of the discipline of Economics in order to engage students with relevant and useful content
*Improve students’ familiarity with and comprehension of spoken English with an emphasis on conversation exercises and listening activities
Recommended Texts:
Trappe, Tonya; Tullis, Graham. Intelligent Business - Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited ( Longman ), 2005
Emmerson, Paul. Email English. Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2004
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:19