Commodity Science Of Food Products (2000-2001)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Commodity Science Of Food Products
Teaching staff: 
Ceccon Luciano
Course Outlines: 
The aims of the course are to offer an outline on the evaluation of nutritional requirements, on the more or less suitable coverage of the requirements in the different world regions (developed and developing countries) and on the possibilities of future improvements of the food situation in the countries that show undernutrition situations.
Recommended Texts: 
The aims of the course are to offer an outline on the evaluation of nutritional requirements, on the more or less suitable coverage of the requirements in the different world regions (developed and developing countries) and on the possibilities of future improvements of the food situation in the countries that show undernutrition situations.2. G. Santoprete; Il problema alimentare. Mezzi e prospettive di soluzione; Ed. Sansoni, Firenze
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32