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Comparative Private Law (2000-2001)
Academic Year of the Course:
Comparative Private Law
Teaching staff:
Marco Guadagni
Course Outlines:
The course introduces to the study of major legal systems, with special reference to common and civil law countries; it also provides, through practical examples, a comparative perspective on issues of law and economics in different legal systems, legal pluralism and legal aspects og globalization..
Recommended Texts:
The course introduces to the study of major legal systems, with special reference to common and civil law countries; it also provides, through practical examples, a comparative perspective on issues of law and economics in different legal systems, legal pluralism and legal aspects og globalization..U. Mattei e P.G. Monateri, Introduzione breve al diritto comparato, CEDAM 1997Foreign students may ask for altrenative reading lists.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32