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Computational Statistics - (2008-2009)
Academic Year of the Course:
Computational Statistics -
Teaching staff:
Schoier Gabriella
Course Outlines:
The aim of the course is to explain the most important computational aspects occuring in Statistics and to provide the fundamental tools for programming in Statistics
Link other Courses:
Analisi Esplorativa dei Dati, Inferenza Statistica 1
1.Introduzione alla Statistica Computazionale
-Problemi di calcolo nelle diverse aree della Statistica
-Tipi di calcolo
2. Metodi statistici lineari
3. Metodi statistici non lineari
4. Applicazioni con i pacchetti SAS,R
Recommended Texts:
Recommended texts will be suggested during the lectures.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:25