Economic Geography (2000-2001)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Economic Geography
Teaching staff: 
Francesca Krasna
Course Outlines: 
This course is divided in two parts: the first one provides a broad framework of the discipline, while the second one offers an overview on theoretical approaches to territorial analysis, used in the public sector and in the private one. A different specific topic of interest will be focused on every year. Suggestions from students are welcome. Moreover students will be given some basic concepts about the most advanced tools of geographical analysis (Gis, Remote sensing...).
Recommended Texts: 
This course is divided in two parts: the first one provides a broad framework of the discipline, while the second one offers an overview on theoretical approaches to territorial analysis, used in the public sector and in the private one. A different specific topic of interest will be focused on every year. Suggestions from students are welcome. Moreover students will be given some basic concepts about the most advanced tools of geographical analysis (Gis, Remote sensing...).LLOYD P. - DICKEN P., Spazio e localizzazione. Un'interpretazione geografica dell'economia, Milano, F.Angeli, 1992.BARBINA G., Il piatto vuoto. Geografia del sottosviluppo, Roma, NIS, 1995.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32