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Financial Accounting (2000-2001)
Academic Year of the Course:
Financial Accounting
Teaching staff:
Ondina Gabrovec Mei
Course Outlines:
The course has several objectives: after an introductionary part, that gives an historical perspective of the accounting evolution, the principal accounting systems in use are examined, with particular attention to the different structures of the profit and loss account: The content of the annual report stated by the italian law and by the accounting standard board is particularly deeped.
The object of the second part of the course is financial analysis. Fundamentals of social accounting and the analysis of value added are also treated.
Recommended Texts:
The course has several objectives: after an introductionary part, that gives an historical perspective of the accounting evolution, the principal accounting systems in use are examined, with particular attention to the different structures of the profit and loss account: The content of the annual report stated by the italian law and by the accounting standard board is particularly deeped.
The object of the second part of the course is financial analysis. Fundamentals of social accounting and the analysis of value added are also treated.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32