Financial Management (2005-2006)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Financial Management
Teaching staff: 
Giorgio Valentinuz
Course Outlines: 
The course wants to explain how derivatives work and how they can be used in Financial Management. It want - at same times - to show how to build a financial plan and a business plan, and to present the principal long and short term financing instruments. During the course are present issues as rating, securitization, project financing.
1) Strumenti derivati Forward Opzioni Strategie con opzioni Future Swap 2) Securitization 3) Rating 4) Pianificazione e programmazione finanziaria 5) Strumenti di finanziamento a medio lungo termine Prestiti obbligazionari Mutui ipotecari Leasing operativo e finanziario 7) Strumenti di finanziamento a breve termine Factoring 8) Forfaiting 9) Cash management 10) Project finance
Recommended Texts: 
Lecturer's slides. For any other suggestion plese contact the lecturer.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 15:58