Financial Management (2009-2010)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Financial Management
Teaching staff: 
Giorgio Valentinuz
Course Outlines: 
The course wants to explain how derivatives work and how they can be used in Financial Management. It want - at same times - to show how to build a financial plan , and to present the principal long and short term financing instruments. During the course will be introduced topics as rating, securitization, project financing.
Link other Courses: 
Finanza aziendale Gestione finanziaria e valutaria
1) Strumenti derivati Forward Opzioni Strategie con opzioni Future Swap 2) Securitization 3) Rating 4) Basilea II 5) Pianificazione e programmazione finanziaria 6) Strumenti di finanziamento a medio lungo termine Prestiti obbligazionari Mutui ipotecari Leasing operativo e finanziario 7) Strumenti di finanziamento a breve termine Factoring 8) Forfaiting 9) Cash management 10)Project finance
Recommended Texts: 
Lecturer's slides. For any other suggestion plese contact the lecturer.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:28