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Industrial Economics (Module Two) (2000-2001)
Academic Year of the Course:
Industrial Economics (Module Two)
Teaching staff:
Romeo Danielis
Course Outlines:
It covers topics in antitrust regulation theory and natural monopoly theory and regualtion
Recommended Texts:
It covers topics in antitrust regulation theory and natural monopoly theory and regualtionGobbo, F. (1997) Il mercato e la tutela della concorrenza, Il Mulino, Bologna. (Introduzione, cap. 6 e 7, Conclusioni).
Course's notes: http://www.univ.trieste.it/~nirdses/corsi/ecoind2/ecoind2.htmViscusi, W.K., J.M. Vernon and J.E. Harrington, Jr. (1992) Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, Heath,Lexington, MA, USA. (Part 2)
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32