Mathematics for Economics and Statistics (2001-2002)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Mathematics for Economics and Statistics
Teaching staff: 
Paolo Vicig
Course Outlines: 
The course aims at introducing basic mathematical concepts and notions, which will be needed in subsequent courses. After introducing some preliminary topics, the course focuses on differential and integral calculus for real-valued functions of a real variable. Some introductory notions on functions of more variables and on multiple integrals are also supplied.
Link other Courses: 
Il corso è propedeutico ai corsi di tipo matematico e statistico dei corsi di Laurea in Scienze finanziarie e assicurative e in Statistica e informatica per la nuova economia.
Proposizioni della logica, connettivi logici, tautologie, contraddizioni. Insiemi, operazioni fra insiemi, applicazioni, relazioni in un insieme, relazioni d’equivalenza e d’ordine. Calcolo combinatorio elementare.
Recommended Texts: 
R. Isler, Matematica generale, Edizioni Goliardiche(further readings will be suggested by the teacher during the lessons)
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 15:10