Private Law (2008-2009)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Private Law
Teaching staff: 
Giuseppe Citarella
Course Outlines: 
The legal system; UE and the Italian Constitution; The enforcement of legal rules; Juridical facts and acts; Persons; Family law; Inheritance law; Property; Ownership and other rights in property; Possession; The law of obligations; Security; The law of contract; The law of torts; Protection of rights; Legal rights and limitation of action
Link other Courses: 
Diritto commerciale - Diritto dell'economia - Diritto UE - Diritto tributario
The legal system UE and the Italian Constitution The enforcement of legal rules Juridical facts and acts Persons Family law Inheritance law Property Ownership and other rights in property Possession The law of obligations Security The law of contract The law of torts Protection of rights Legal rights and limitation of action
Recommended Texts: 
- Giovanni Iudica and Paolo Zatti, Language and rules of Italian private law: an introduction, Cedam, Padova, 2005 - (up to date) Italian civil code - Some other text will be distributed/downloaded during the classes
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:25