Seminario "Cryptocurrencies and Cryptoassets: When and Why to Invest in Them"

Tipologia evento: 
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
05/04/2019 - 10:00
Data fine evento: 
05/04/2019 - 12:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

Relatore: dott. Andrea Moro - Cranfield University, UK


Crypotoassets in the form of cryptocurrencies or crypto tokens are becoming more and more popular. However, are they a sensible investment tool? Does it make sense for firms to use crypto assets to finance their activities? The seminar will look into these two areas.

First, it will start with a short introduction to the Blockchain technology (distributed ledger) since it is the bases of the crypto-world. Then, it will investigate whether investing in cryptocurrency is a sensible choice according to the portfolio diversification logic before moving to the Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) a very innovative financing tool half way between IPOs and Crowdfunding. Finally, it will explore advantages and disadvantages for firms in raising funds issuing crypto tokens moving then to benefits and risks that investors incur in buying them.


DEAMS - Via Tigor n. 22 - Aula Informatica II PIANO


DEAMS - Prof.ssa Stefania Patrizia Sonia Rossi

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-04-2019 - 12:00