Advanced Financial Accounting (2000-2001)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Advanced Financial Accounting
Teaching staff: 
Livio Cossar
Course Outlines: 
The course is aimed to enlarge the student's knowledge of Accounting, covering some of the most advanced concepts in financial accounting. Key topics include: business consolidations, risk hedging through financial instruments (forward contracts, futures, options, and swaps), foreign currency translations and transactions, accounting for business combinations (statutory mergers, acquisitions of common stock, acquisition of assets, LBO transactions). The course also integrates the preparation of students in accounting for firm capitalization.
Recommended Texts: 
The course is aimed to enlarge the student's knowledge of Accounting, covering some of the most advanced concepts in financial accounting. Key topics include: business consolidations, risk hedging through financial instruments (forward contracts, futures, options, and swaps), foreign currency translations and transactions, accounting for business combinations (statutory mergers, acquisitions of common stock, acquisition of assets, LBO transactions). The course also integrates the preparation of students in accounting for firm capitalization.
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32