Labour Law (2000-2001)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Labour Law
Teaching staff: 
Tullio Renzi
Course Outlines: 
The course outlines Labor Law history, structure and actual quick evolution. It means to provide students with essential knowledge tools to frame essential problems of any labor activity, teaching research methods and instruments, informatic too(Internet research, Ppoint; materials and news distribution by e-mail, files .doc and .pdf). Special care is paid to actual institutes,like atypical employment, flexibility contractual tools, formation tools, social shock absorbers (Cig, mobility,etc)
Recommended Texts: 
The course outlines Labor Law history, structure and actual quick evolution. It means to provide students with essential knowledge tools to frame essential problems of any labor activity, teaching research methods and instruments, informatic too(Internet research, Ppoint; materials and news distribution by e-mail, files .doc and .pdf). Special care is paid to actual institutes,like atypical employment, flexibility contractual tools, formation tools, social shock absorbers (Cig, mobility,etc)Miscione M., Dialoghi di diritto del lavoro, in printing (chapters outlined at the beginning of Cours)Carinci F., Codice del lavoro, Normativa nazionale e comunitaria, KLUWER IPSOA, last ed. (about £ 50.000)
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32