11th Advanced Summer School in Economics and Econometrics

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We would like to draw your attention to the Advanced Summer School in

 Economics and Econometrics (ASSEE) that that will take place at the

 University of Crete July 31st-August 7th 2016. The topic of the 11th

 ASSEE is " Nonlinear Cross-Section and Panel Regression Models with

 Focus on Count Data" and will be taught by Distinguished Guest

 Professor A. Colin Cameron from the University of California, Davis.

 Since 2006 the Department of Economics of the University of Crete is

 successfully running its Advanced Summer School in Economics and

 Econometrics. The broader objective of this series of events is to

 provide advanced training for young researchers from all over Europe

 and beyond on important disciplines of economics and econometrics.

 Please check the attached poster and the url http://www.assee.eu.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-10-2016 - 10:55