InnovaMare facts

Mapping of relevant stakeholders in underwater robotics and sensors: methodological guidelines

The aim of the InnovaMare project is to enhance the framework conditions on cross-border level by jointly developing and implementing strategical and operational level capacities that consist of mix of policy instruments and innovation players as a frame for development of innovative technologies for sustainability of the Adriatic Sea.


In the WP3, one of the projects objectives consists of mapping and analysing all the relevant stakeholders and their capabilities (human, technological, projects, equipment), needs, etc. in order to create a map of excellence.


Quadruple Helix model of innovation (Carayannis & Campbell 2009) is the main theoretical framework used for activity WP3.1.

This model has added a fourth helix to the original “Triple Helix” model of innovation (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 2000) which refers to interactions among academia/universities, industry, and state/government that can shape the innovation ecosystem. Instead, Quadruple Helix has added the fourth dimension of “society/public” to the original model. Cooperation and collaboration among the various actors are at the core of this model.

In order to use this framework, it is important to gain an understanding of relevant terminology that is at the core of data collection.

  • Stakeholders: the aim of this activity is to map the relevant stakeholders. They are defined as companies, private and public institutions, policy makers, service providers (i.e. KIBS), citizens and NGOs, support bodies, clusters and associations, etc. which have scientific, public, business-related interests in the sector of underwater robotics and sensors and sea pollution activities
  • Snowballing: a sampling technique that allows to reach new contacts based of the information and data provided by previous contacts



Required data and information from each stakeholder will be grouped in 5 sections, as follows:

  1. Contact information

  2. Value drivers

  3. Map of key resources

  4. Strategy recommendation



Ultimo aggiornamento: 15-10-2020 - 17:51