Business English (2008-2009)

Anno Accademico: 
Business English
Kaylynn Horn
• Provide fundamental English grammar, pronunciation, and comprehension exercises appropriate to the students’ proficiency level with a focus on Business English and Economics • Present a comprehensive array of English learning activities within a framework and context of the discipline of Economics in order to engage students with relevant and useful content • Improve students’ familiarity with and comprehension of spoken English with an emphasis on conversation exercises and listening activities to further develop language fluency
EXAM PROCEDURES AND FINAL MARKS A comprehensive exam will be given assessing the various topics and subjects presented during the course and listed above. The exam will be primarily written / multiple choice with the addition of a listening activity and an oral evaluation immediately following the written section of the exam. The oral and the written sections must be taken on the same day. Registration for the oral exam will be during the written exam. The oral evaluation will be a job interview scenario. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information and the text books for the course. Students are to bring their libretto to the exam. Students are permitted to use monolingual or bilingual dictionaries only during the last segment of the exam. The final mark is a comprehensive evaluation of work completed during the course and the final exam. A later registration date will be announced. There is no registration on exam days. There are specific dates for final mark registration which are different from exam dates. Students wishing to complete out of class projects which are considered as part of continuous assessment may choose to do one ( or both ) the following : • Create a letter of application for a job announcement which you have found on the internet ( or the example given in the dispensa ) and then create your CV \ Resume ( ‘Europass’ is not accepted). The job selected should be a realistic possibility based on your current level of education and work experience and your CV \ Resume should be a realistic reflection of your current level of education and work experience, as well. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information. • Create a Strategic Plan or a Business Plan for a business of your choosing. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information. Students choosing to submit these projects are to submit them during their exam. REFER TO THE INTERNET FOR EXAM DATES AND TIMES. ARRIVE ON TIME FOR THE EXAM. STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR LIBRETTO AND/OR PICTURE ID. STUDENTS MUST SIGN UP FOR THE EXAM. THE REGISTRATION LISTS FOR THESE EXAMS ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE LANGUAGE LAB ON THE FIFTH FLOOR OF THE ECONOMICS FACULTY BUILDING. THERE IS NO INTERNET REGISTRATION. THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP IS TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE EXAM DATE. -- BE SURE TO PRINT CLEARY AND INCLUDE YOUR MATRICULATION NUMBER.PROGRAM TOPICS / SUBJECTS • Fundamental English grammar structures and practical applications • Exploration of Idioms, “False Friends”, Phrasal Verbs, and other challenging characteristics of the English language • Further development of vocabulary relevant to the discipline of Economy and Business • Exploration relevant topics including, but not limited to, Industry and Commerce; Consumer Spending; Labor Markets; Investments, Banking and other monetary issues; and various other economic principles • Reading Comprehension and Writing exercises involving current periodicals relevant to this discipline • Conversation and Listening Comprehension activities relevant, but not limited to, economic and business industries • Explore pronunciation differences among English speaking countries and explore cultural variants of English within diverse nations • Review and explore various standardized English tests for second language speakers such as TOIEC (Test of English for International Communication), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), Cambridge ESOL (English of Speakers of Other Languages), B.E.C. (Business English Certificates Cambridge), etc. CLASS STRUCTURE Course activities will include, but not limited to: • Power Point and lecture presentations and exercises focusing on grammar, reading, writing that are appropriate for the students’ proficiency level and the discipline of Economics • Presentation of documentary and/or popular films relevant to the discipline • Presentation of listening activities including broadcast segments of BBC (British Broadcasting Services World Network, GB), CNN, NPR (National Public Radio, USA) C-SPAN (Public Service Programming for International Economic and Political Sciences, USA) etc. • Conversation classes designed around topics relative to Economic issues as well as guided conversations on various other Business related topics This course will utilize various resources including, but not limited to, the following references: Periodicals and Magazines: Time Newsweek The Economist Foreign Affairs Business Week Forbes Wallstreet Journal TV, Internet & Radio Broadcast Segments: BBC NPR PBS C-SPAN CNN EXAM PROCEDURES AND FINAL MARKS A comprehensive exam will be given assessing the various topics and subjects presented during the course and listed above. The exam will be primarily written / multiple choice with the addition of a listening activity and an oral evaluation immediately following the written section of the exam. The oral and the written sections must be taken on the same day. Registration for the oral exam will be during the written exam. The oral evaluation will be a job interview scenario. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information and the text books for the course. Students are to bring their libretto to the exam. Students are permitted to use monolingual or bilingual dictionaries only during the last segment of the exam. The final mark is a comprehensive evaluation of work completed during the course and the final exam. A later registration date will be announced. There is no registration on exam days. There are specific dates for final mark registration which are different from exam dates. Students wishing to complete out of class projects which are considered as part of continuous assessment may choose to do one ( or both ) the following : • Create a letter of application for a job announcement which you have found on the internet ( or the example given in the dispensa ) and then create your CV \ Resume ( ‘Europass’ is not accepted). The job selected should be a realistic possibility based on your current level of education and work experience and your CV \ Resume should be a realistic reflection of your current level of education and work experience, as well. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information. • Create a Strategic Plan or a Business Plan for a business of your choosing. Refer to the dispensa located in the portineria for additional information. Students choosing to submit these projects are to submit them during their exam. REFER TO THE INTERNET FOR EXAM DATES AND TIMES. ARRIVE ON TIME FOR THE EXAM. STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR LIBRETTO AND/OR PICTURE ID. STUDENTS MUST SIGN UP FOR THE EXAM. THE REGISTRATION LISTS FOR THESE EXAMS ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE LANGUAGE LAB ON THE FIFTH FLOOR OF THE ECONOMICS FACULTY BUILDING. THERE IS NO INTERNET REGISTRATION. THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP IS TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE EXAM DATE. -- BE SURE TO PRINT CLEARY AND INCLUDE YOUR MATRICULATION NUMBER.
Testi consigliati: 
Suggested Text: Trappe, Tonya; Tullis, Graham. Intelligent Business - Intermediate. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited ( Longman ), 2005 Suggested Text: Emmerson, Paul. Email English. Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2004
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11-12-2013 - 16:24