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Microeconomics (2009-2010)
Anno Accademico:
Luciano Mauro
The course aims to explain the markets functioning. The approach is quantitative but also managerial and operative. After a short introduction of the mathematical tools the course follows the chapters of the text book "Microeconomics" by R.S. Pindyck e D.L. Rubinfeld 7th or later international edition isbn 978-0-13-713335-2. However some classes, expecially those more mathematically formalized, will be based on "Microeconomics: basic Principles and Extensions" by W. Nicholson , South_Western editor 10th or later international student edition.
The structure of the course can be summarized as follows:
Mathematical Instruments: differential, derivative, total derivative and optimization
Market demand
Supply in competitive markets
Competitive markets
Market Power :monopoly and monopsony
Productive factor markets
Investment, time and capital markets
Choice under uncertainty
Market under asimmetric informations
Testi consigliati:
"Microeconomics" by R.S. Pindyck e D.L. Rubinfeld."Microeconomics: basic Principles and Extensions" by W. Nicholson , South_Western editor
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11-12-2013 - 16:27