Carrino Ludovico

Ludovico Carrino
040 558 7311

Ludovico Carrino is a Senior Lecturer of Public Economics at the University of Trieste (Department of Economics 'Bruno de Finetti'). He is Visiting Professor at King’s College London and affiliated to the Department of Economics of the Ca’Foscari University of Venezia, where he got his Ph.D. in Economics. He has been External Consultant on the Public Economics of health and ageing for the World Health Organisation (Kobe Centre for Health Development).

His research is in applied health economics, with particular focus on Long-Term Care for older individuals, the Economics of Ageing and Pensions, as well as Welfare Economics and Multi-dimensional evaluation of complex phenomena. He wrote a book on the Economics of Long-Term Care in Europe (together with Agar Brugiavini, Cristina Orso and Giacomo Pasini), published by Palgrave-MacMillan. He is Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator in several international projects on the economics of Long-Term Care, and he is head of the research unit of the University of Trieste for the Gateway 2 Global Aging project (

His research has been published in leading journals in Economics, Sociology and Epidemiology, such as the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Health Economics, Labour Economics, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Social Science & Medicine, Health Policy, the American Journal of Epidemiology and the Journal of Gerontology.

Curriculum vitae available at the following link:

OFFICE HOURS: Monday 11am-12pm, Wednesday 12pm-1pm, Room 2.11, Building D, Piazzale Europa
Office hours can also be booked via email.
Professore Associato
Scienza delle finanze
Consiglio di dipartimento - Componente
Commissione Ricerca - Componente
Collegi dei dottorati - Componente
Personale docente - Docente
Descrizione Gruppo
DR15 - CIRCULAR ECONOMY - XXXIX CICLO Collegi dei dottorati - Componente


Progetto di ricerca Ruolo Stato progetto
Gateway to Global Aging Progetti di ricerca - Responsabile scientifico; Attivo
MICROGRANT 2023 CARRINO "L'impatto della qualità del lavoro sulla salute degli Europei: un'indagine per sesso, età e caratteristiche familiari, prima e dopo il COVID." Progetti di ricerca - Responsabile scientifico; Attivo
PROBEN_0000008 - PROmozione del BENEssere della COMunità UNivErsitaria - PRO-BENE-COMUNE Progetti di ricerca - Partecipante; Attivo
Ultimo aggiornamento: 28-03-2025 - 22:10