Le aziende incontrano gli studenti: Goldman Sachs- dott.Kevin Vasku – “Financial Analysis, A Wealth Management Perspective - Case Study on Tesla”

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Il DEAMS organizza il giorno 17 dicembre dalle ore 17 alle ore 19 un incontro per gli studenti dal titolo "Financial Analysis, A Wealth Management Perspective - Case Study on Tesla"; relatore dott. Vasku Kevin.


 Kevin Vasku is an investment professional at Goldman Sachs based in Zurich, offering wealth management services to ultra-high net worth families and individuals. Kevin joined Goldman Sachs in early 2018, after having spent almost 2 years in the wealth management department of JP Morgan. He holds a BSc degree in Management at the University of Trieste, a MSc degree in Finance at Grenoble École de Management. Kevin Vasku is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM).


 L'evento, organizzato nell'ambito del corso Advanced accounting (Prof. Michele Bertoni), è aperto a tutti gli studenti del DEAMS, che potranno partecipare tramite Ms Teams collegandosi al seguente link http://bit.ly/2LGO0oR.


 La segreteria


Prof. De Rosa Bruno, Prof. Bertoni Michele, Prof. Altin Paolo

Ultimo aggiornamento: 18-12-2020 - 09:11