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PhD grants DEAMS for Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Borse DEAMS dottorato Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Tipologia avviso:
We are looking for excellent and enthusiastic students passionate about research. Apply by July 22 to the first PhD course in Sustainable Development and Climate Change in Italy. The research topics proposed by the Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics (University of Trieste) include:
- Sustainability and Non-Financial Information (scholarship code B14; supervisor Prof. Paola Rossi; prossi@units.it)
- Sustainable mobility: models, methods and case studies (scholarship code B15; supervisor Prof. Lucia Rotaris; lucia.rotaris@deams.units.it).
Applicants due to be awarded their master’s (or equivalent qualification) by 31 October 2021 may also apply.
For additional details and for the application call visit: http://www.iusspavia.it/phd-sdc/admission or email Prof. Paola Rossi and Prof. Lucia Rotaris.
A webinar providing additional information will be held on June 21 at 4 pm
To register and log in, please go to the following link: https://iusspavia.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bGVH8SaISwi6xSj9fAOb7A
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18-06-2021 - 11:22