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B2 English Language test
Tipologia avviso:
ENGLISH TEST A.Y. 2015/2016
Curriculum «Business and Management»
Curriculum «Economics and Financial Markets»
The English test for students that are enrolled in the English curricula without the required B2 English Language certificate will be held on:
Thursday October 15th, 11:00 a.m.
classroom 2A, Building H3, Piazzale Europa, 1
Students that are enrolled in the second or third year but have not passed the English test yet may also take the English test.
Students who have the required language certificate above are kindly reminded to submit it to the Segreteria Studenti within Sept. 17th, as per online announcement http://apps.units.it/Sitedirectory/InformazioniSpecificheCdS/showfile.aspx?ftype=PDF
Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-10-2016 - 10:55