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Lingua Inglese (2009-2010)
Anno Accademico:
Lingua Inglese
Negru Iulia Daniela
Course activities will include:
• Talks designed around business topics
• Power Point and lecture presentations
• Exercises for reading, writing, grammar
which aim at acquiring a B1 level in Business English
Grammar topics
1. Tenses (past, present, future, conditionals)
2. Irregular verbs
3. Noun formation
4. Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison
5. Relative pronouns
6. Modal Verbs
7. Definite and indefinite articles
The grammar topics and some exercises will be available on the Faculty of Economics website. Please download them and do the exercises. Contact me or your lectors for questions, feedback and correction.
A lot of exercises are to be found on the internet too, with answers to help you work at home.
You can also use TellMeMore, a software available in the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, 14, via Filzi (the Interpreters’ School) 2nd floor for registration and password – talk to Ms Federica Gori, 1st floor for the Language Lab and the software.
These are general Conversation topics that you are expected to know:
Communicative Skills:
1. Expressing preference and opinion
2. Expressing likes and dislikes
3. Presenting yourselves
4. Telephone conversations
5. Asking for information/ Answering queries
6. Careers and jobs. Job interviews
Business Vocabulary:
1. Running Meetings
2. Preparing an Agenda
3. Numbers
4. Addresses and directions
5. Company structure and hierarchy
6. Negotiations
1. Reports
2. Letters, faxes, emails
3. Cover letters
4. Curriculum Vitae – European Format
5. Agendas
Testi consigliati:
1. Cotton, D et al, 2000. Market Leader. Course Book. Intermediate Business English. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited
2. Emmerson, P 2002. Business Grammar Builder. Oxford, Macmillan Publishers LimitedInternet:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11-12-2013 - 16:27