Seminario "Organisational determinants of training provision in EU establishments", Prof. Giovanni Russo - ore 15, Sala riunioni Ed. D, III piano

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Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
19/11/2021 - 15:00
Data fine evento: 
19/11/2021 - 19:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

Relatore: Prof. Giovanni Russo, Senior Expert Cedefop


Organisations take responsibility for the training that is linked to the attainment of organisational goals. Returns to training may not be clear to managers who then base their decision on their beliefs about the importance of human resources for business success. These beliefs have concrete impact on training provision. However, this impact might not be clearly visible because organisational efforts aimed at stimulating employees’ performance, which is the channel through which returns to training materialize, mediate, at least in part, the relationship between managerial beliefs and training provision. The empirical analysis of the latest edition of the European Company Survey (ECS2019) show that variables linked to the importance of human resources are positively associated to the incidence of training and on-the-job training provision and that part of this association is channelled through job design and the use of incentives. Next, managerial beliefs about the importance of human resources for business success shape organisational culture as reflected by the balance between inducements (incentives broadly defined) and requirements (expectations about desired workplace behaviors). Latent class analysis is used to model the balance between requirements and inducements among EU organisations. Managerial beliefs about the importance of human resources as a source of competitive advantage influence the balance between inducements which, in turns, is associated to the amount of training provision.

(L'evento si svolge nell'ambito del ciclo di seminari organizzati da docenti e ricercatori del DEAMS)




Ultimo aggiornamento: 18-11-2021 - 11:33