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Seminario "Trieste as a rail port. The case of AdriaFer" - dott. Maurizio Cociancich e dott.ssa Alice Scotti, Aula T_A - Edificio D, ore 9
Tipologia evento:
RELATORI: dott. Maurzio Cociancich - Chief Executive Officer, Adriafer Srl
dott.ssa Alice Scotti - R&D and IMS Officer, Adriafer Srl
Il seminario avrà luogo nell'ambito dell'insegnamento di Economic Geography tenuto dal prof. Giuseppe Borruso. Il tema trattato nel seminario ha carattere trasversale pertanto tutti gli studenti sono invitati a partecipare.
The port of Trieste has recently reached several milestones for its capacity of moving the traffic towards the hinterland by train, making it the first Italian Port for the share of traffic moved by railways, and for reaching the EU goals of modal shift towards such mode well before other ports and countries. This is possible by means of the heritage left by the Austro-Hungarian period of important investment in railway lines and the attention of today’s managers of enhancing and improving the network and its connections with the regional and international European destinations. The link between the sea and maritime component, and land with the railway network, is possible thanks to an efficient shunting from terminals to the port railway stations and inland port connections. The seminar is dedicated to understand technical and wider economical and geopolitical implications of shunting as put in action by Adriafer srl, the shunting company in charge of the modal shift towards railway networks of the Port of Trieste.
DEAMS - Aula T_A e online su MS Teams https://bit.ly/EG121_Adriafer
DEAMS - Prof. Giuseppe Borruso
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13-12-2021 - 09:30