Seminario “Trieste, a sample of integrated logistic also in respect of the Free Port Status and coffee as a premium commodity” - dott. F. Predonzani, dott. M. Zugna, dott.ssa S. Mahdavi - ore 11, Aula Conferenze 1_A, Edificio D

Tipologia evento: 
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
13/12/2021 - 11:00
Data fine evento: 
13/12/2021 - 13:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

Relatori: Dott. Fabio Predonzani (Interporto di Trieste S.p.A.); Dott. Maurizio Zugna (Vollers Italia S.r.l.); Dott.ssa Shirin Mahdavi (Interporto di Trieste S.p.A.)


Trieste as a modern port system is not limited to its quays and piers, but it involves an important set of logistic assets, infrastructure and facilities for allowing the sea-land integration and an efficient connection of the long-range maritime flows with the internal land destinations of its hinterland. This is particularly true today, where an important logistic node as the Interporto Trieste is working to guarantee such a connection with the regional and international transport and economic system, thanks also to the present of facilities located within a Free-port regime.

Such aspects will be presented and analyzed, focusing the attention on a particular case study as the coffee as a commodity for the development and international knowledge of Trieste as an important node in the processing of the aspects related to its management.


DEAMS -Aula Conferenze 1_A

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DEAMS - Prof. Giuseppe Borruso

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13-12-2021 - 09:32