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Seminario: Trust Us to Reply: Social Trust, Long-Term Interest Rates and Sovereign Credit Ratings
Tipologia evento:
This paper asks whether the sensitivity of market long-term interest rates and credit ratings is
associated with cross-country differences in informal institutions, measured by social trust. We note a
number of theoretical mechanisms that could imply that similar objective problems are more likely to
be effectively dealt with in higher-trust societies. A set of panel estimates across middle and high
income countries reveal that interest rates and ratings are substantially more sensitive to inflation and
growth problems in low-trust countries. This finding sheds light on the differential market reactions to
economic problems in seemingly comparable countries.
DEAMS, Aula AID, Ed. D, II Piano
Relatore: Christian Bjørnskov - Aarhus University—Denmark
Segreteria: Paola Morelli 0405587073 mail: seminari@deams.units.it
Ultimo aggiornamento: 27-04-2015 - 16:12