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Seminario “How can we make Objective Bayesian Model Comparisons in a subjective Bayes world?”, prof. Ioannis Ntzoufras - 14 ottobre 2022, ore 11, Sala Conferenze - I piano. Edif. D
Tipologia evento:
Relatore: prof. Ioannis Ntzoufras
Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Department of Statistics
In this talk I will provide a review of prior distributions for objective Bayesian model comparisons. The general principles, criteria and tools/mechanisms that can be used in order to ensure a sensible Bayesian model comparison/selection procedure under the absence of any prior information will be presented and discussed. Focus will be given in the most popular model selection case: the variable selection problem. Some recent contributions in the area of objective priors on model space will be also discussed. Hopefully, after this talk you will have some guidance how to work to build sensible priors for Bayesian model comparisons.
DEAMS - Aula conferenze "Bruno de Finetti" (1-A), primo piano, Edificio D - Via A. Valerio n. 4/1 - Trieste
Online su Microsoft Teams, link:
DEAMS - Prof. Leonardo Egidi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 19-10-2022 - 14:05