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Seminario “Coding the BYM2 model for disconnected graphs in Stan”, prof.ssa Mitzi Morris - Columbia University - 28 ottobre 2022 ore 12 - Aula conferenze 1-A, primo piano, Edificio D
Tipologia evento:
“Coding the BYM2 model for disconnected graphs in Stan”
Relatrice: prof.ssa Mitzi Morris, Columbia University
In [A note on intrinsic Conditional Autoregressive models for disconnected graphs](https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.04854), Freni-Sterrantino et.al. show how to implement the BYM2 model for use with areal data where the graph structure of the map is not fully connected. In this talk, we present an implementation of this proposal in Stan which illustrates use of the Penalized Complexity framework. Finally, we discuss the challenges of extending this to more complicated spatio-temporal data.
DEAMS: Aula conferenze 1-A, primo piano, Edificio D - Via A. Valerio n. 4/1 - Trieste
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DEAMS - Prof. Leonardo Egidi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24-10-2022 - 13:34