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Round table: "Trieste as a Smart Transport and Logistic Node. Challenges and Opportunities", Giovedì 24 novembre 2022, ore 10, Sala Conferenze - Primo piano, Edificio D
Tipologia evento:
24 November 2022, h. 10-12, Sala Conferenze
Round table: Trieste as a Smart Transport and Logistic Node. Challenges and Opportunities
Introduction: Giuseppe Borruso
Maurizio Cociancich, Adriafer
Fabio Predonzani, Interporto di Trieste
Maurizio Zugna, Vollers Italia.
Abstract: Major global events occurred in the past few years raised several challenges to te global supply chain. A global pandemic, a war in Eastern Europe and a shortage of energy and raw materials are among the main events that are challenges our economies and societies, with consequences and effects also on local and regional communities. In this scenario, Trieste has been consolidating its role as a port-city and an important gateway of freight flows from the Far East and the Mediterranean Sea towards Central and Eastern Europe, thanks to its geographical positions, its consolidated networks of rail connections, and, most importantly, to the work done everyday by operators and instituions in the transport and logistic sectors.
This event represents an opportunity to allow students, scholars and operators to meet and share views on the current situation and challenges investing our economies and the role of transport and logistics in tackling them.
DEAMS - Sala conferenze, Primo piano edificio D, via A. Valerio 4/1, Trieste
teams.microsoft.com |
ID riunione: 375 765 175 242
Passcode: BRwmt3
DEAMS - Prof. Giuseppe Borruso
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14-11-2022 - 11:47