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Seminario “IFRS and their implications for corporate management in listed companies” - dott. Harald Fuchs, 12 dicembre 2022 ore 11 - Aula 2A dell’edificio H3
Tipologia evento:
SPEAKER: dott. Harald Fuchs, Certified Public Accountant and Tax Advisor
The seminar aims to highlight the main implications of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for listed companies. Special consideration will be given to Austrian and German companies, highlighting the main differences between Austrian and German GAAP, as examples of weak equity (or creditor-oriented) accounting systems, compared to IFRS, widely regarded as a strong equity (or investor-oriented) accounting system.
After detailing the main characteristics of IFRS enforcement in Austria and Germany, the seminar will focus on the typical aims of accounting policies in listed companies, including earning smoothing, profit maximization, and tax management.
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DEAMS - Prof. Michele Bertoni
Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-12-2022 - 09:28