Seminario "Understanding oil&gas markets and their financial implications" prof. Andrea Paltrinieri - 17 marzo 2023, h 10-11.30, aula 3_B Edificio D

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Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
17/03/2023 - 10:00
Data fine evento: 
17/03/2023 - 11:30
Data pubblicazione evento
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relatore: Prof. Andrea Paltrinieri

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

 Titolo: Understanding oil&gas markets and their financial implications

 Abstract: The seminar, organized for students of Financial Markets and Institutions but open to the academic community, aims at presenting the main tools and approaches to be used in understanding the functioning of commodity markets in the energy sector. In a concise and accessible speech, the seminar will introduce the demand and supply issues of oil and gas (storage, production, transportation, quality and weather), how trading occurs and the financial markets involved, as well as the overall impact on economies starving for cheap energy. The discussion will also touch on global connections, differences in energy commodities, regulatory issues and illusions prompted by recent proposals for public intervention. The purpose is to provide a starting toolbox to read professionally what happened in the last three years.

The lecturer, a distinguished scholar with several publications on many leading finance and energy journals, has a decade long experience as an energy analyst.


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prof. Alberto Dreassi – DEAMS, Università di Trieste

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07-03-2023 - 10:24