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Seminario "Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries. A meeting with Allianz Global Life" - Giovedì 18 maggio 2023, ore 10 - Aula T_A - Edif. D
Tipologia evento:
Relatori: Dott. Giampaolo Viseri, Dott. Duffy Susan, Dott. Jochen Kienberger (Allianz Globe Life)
The meeting aims to bring students of actuarial disciplines closer to the professional world. Then, Allianz Global Life representatives will discuss actuarial job opportunities and some technical actuarial assessments will be presented, illustrating the bridge between actuarial studies and actuarial jobs.
DEAMS - Aula T_A, Edif. D
DEAMS - Prof. Mario Marino
Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-05-2023 - 13:50