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Seminario “Innovation and sustainability in Area Science Park” Relatore Ing. Fabio Morea, Centro Studi Area Science Park, lunedì 16/10/23 ore 15 DEAMS Ed. D Aula 4_D
Tipologia evento:
Lunedì 16 ottobre 2023 alle ore 15 avrà luogo presso il Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, aziendali, matematiche e statistiche il seminario dal titolo “Innovation and sustainability in Area Science Park”. Relatore: Ing. Fabio Morea, Centro Studi Area Science Park.
- What "innovation" means from different perspectives (universities, research centers, companies)
- Science and Technology Parks (STPs): definitions, examples and data on major Italian and international STPs
- Area Science Park: general presentation of the research organization and the Science and Technology Park
- Examples of STP sustainability projects: energy efficiency, renewables, mobility
- Examples of projects for energy transition at a larger scale: North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley
- Work in progress: how can we "measure the sustainability" of the Park?
DEAMS – Edificio D, 4° piano, Aula 4_D
DEAMS - Prof.ssa Lucia Rotaris
Online: Piattaforma Microsoft – Teams https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting?rtc=1 ID riunione: 355 913 720 635 Passcode: d3VcKH
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-10-2023 - 13:00