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Seminario “The role of the supply chain in shipbuilding companies” Relatore: Ing. Federico Tanduo, Fincantieri S.p.A. - Giovedì 9/11/2023, ore 10.00 - Aula 4_INF_2, 4° piano, Edificio D
Tipologia evento:
Giovedì 9 novembre 2023 alle ore 10.00 avrà luogo presso il Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, aziendali, matematiche e statistiche il seminario dal titolo “The role of the supply chain in shipbuilding companies”;relatore l'ing. Federico Tanduo, Fincantieri S.p.A., Direzione Navi Mercantili, MC-MMF Material Management and Forecasting.
DEAMS – Edificio D, 4° piano, Aula 4_INF_2
DEAMS - Prof.ssa Lucia Rotaris
An introductory overview of the challenges of material management within cruise shipbuilding production. We will delve into the various systems and materials required for the construction of a cruise ship, emphasizing the need to strike a harmonious balance between diverse supply chain processes. Topics such as forecasting, planning, MRP, and warehouse logistics and methodologies will be explored in detail, illustrating the vital importance of selecting the appropriate approaches to ensure the flow of information and materials. Throughout our discussion, we will showcase practical examples of solutions implemented by Fincantieri, highlighting the significance of adhering to sustainability objectives.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-11-2023 - 09:37