Seminario “Impact of Insurance Pricing Consulting for Reinsurance Clients” Relatori Dott. Davide Burlon e Dott. Jacopo Marchesan, Munich Re’s Global Consulting Unit - Giovedì 23/11/2023, ore 14.00 - Aula 4_D, 4° piano, Edificio D

Ciclo di seminari nell'ambito dell'iniziativa "Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries"
Tipologia evento: 
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
23/11/2023 - 14:00
Data fine evento: 
23/11/2023 - 17:00
Data pubblicazione evento
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Giovedì 23 novembre 2023 alle ore 14.00 avrà luogo presso il Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, aziendali, matematiche e statistiche, all'interno dell'iniziativa denominata "Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries", il seminario dal titolo “Impact of Insurance Pricing Consulting for Reinsurance Clients”.


DEAMS – Edificio D, 4° piano, Aula 4_D


DEAMS - Prof. Gianni Bosi


The presentation dives into the relationship between reinsurance and pricing in primary insurance, exploring the crucial role reinsurance plays in shaping the dynamics of the insurance market. By analyzing real-world insurance data, the session illustrates why and how the biggest reinsurance players in the world, like Munich Re, develop value-adding services. The discussion provides insights into risk management techniques, financial stability, and profitability in the insurance industry, emphasizing the key connection between different phases of pricing cycle. Through a practical example using motor insurance data, attendees will gain an overview of the practical implications, challenges, and opportunities associated with pricing strategies in the complex landscape of insurance markets.

Online: Piattaforma Microsoft – Teams Microsoft Teams meeting
Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-11-2023 - 11:24