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Seminario "The effects of reminders on engagement and walking: Evidence from a large scale experiment", dott.ssa Beatrice Braut, 8/05/2024, ore 15 - Sala Atti, edif. D
Tipologia evento:
Relatrice: prof.ssa Beatrice Braut - Dipartimento di Economia, Università di Genova
Step-tracking apps aim at promoting a healthier lifestyle, but users' lack of compliance is an issue. In this study, we implement a large RCT to examine the effectiveness of different framing and duration of text message reminders on engagement with the app and walking habits. We conduct a 7-weeks experiment with 20,187 users of the app WeWard in France. We send three types of messages, each of them leveraging a different behavioral feature, compared to a generic reminder, and we vary the duration of the intervention from 1 to 3 weeks. We document that the message providing information about peers' performance increases app utilization. However, no type of message affects the number of steps tracked by the app.
DEAMS - Sala atti (edificio D, I piano)
DEAMS - Prof.ssa Elena Podrecca
Ultimo aggiornamento: 10-05-2024 - 10:31