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Intervento "Methodologies and methods for managerial sciences" - Relatrice: Prof.ssa Cristina Florio, Università degli Studi di Verona - 29-30-31/05/24 - Ed. D, 3° p., Sala riunioni
Nell'ambito del Corso PhD CE.TS Circular Economy
Tipologia evento:
"Methodologies and methods for managerial sciences" > Nell'ambito del Corso PhD in Circular Economy CE.TS, la Prof.ssa Cristina Florio dell'Università degli Studi di Verona e attuale componente del Collegio Dottorato CE.TS, propone degli interventi che si terranno tutteial DEAMS, 3° piano, "Sala riunioni" il giorno 29 maggio dalle 14 alle 18, il 30 maggio dalle 9 alle 16 e il 31 maggio dalle 9 alle 13.
DEAMS - Edificio D, 3° piano, Sala riunioni
DEAMS - Prof.ssa Paola Rossi
The course delves into the topic of research methodologies and research methods in the field of Management. Ph.D. students will be introduced to both qualitative and quantitative research methods employed to provide empirical evidence. The idea is to go through the research process, by focusing on actual choices made in the conduct of research projects, from the initiation of the research idea right through to the discussion of the research finding. Issues on the research design that may arise during the review process will also be considered. The aim is to stimulate Ph.D. students to select the most suitable approaches to the specific research questions they intend to develop, thus increasing their knowhow on both the theoretical and practical aspects associated with research methods.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-05-2024 - 12:07