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Seminario "How to Write a Stan Model to Simulate Data and Why You Should" - dott.ssa Mitzi Morris (Columbia University) - 4/06/2024, ore 11, Aula 3A, Edif. D
Tipologia evento:
Relatrice: dott.ssa Mitzi Morris (Columbia University)
Abstract A Stan model infers the model parameters given the data.
The data-generating program reverses the computation:
given parameters, it outputs the data according to the specified distributions.
Often simulated datasets are created by one-off scripts in R or Python.
Writing a data-generating program using Stan allows for more systematic
exploration of the consequences of choice of prior and difficult data regimes.
DEAMS - Aula 3A, Edificio D
DEAMS - prof. Leonardo Egidi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24-05-2024 - 11:10