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Seminario “Knowledge Externalities in Industrial Clusters” - Prof. E. Vanino
Tipologia evento:

Seminario “Knowledge Externalities in Industrial Clusters” – speaker: Prof. Enrico Vanino, Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Room 1_A Conferences, Building D, Piazzale Europa Campus
Aula 1_A Conferenze, Edificio D, Piazzale Europa, 1, Trieste
DEAMS: Prof. Romeo Danielis; DISPES - Prof. Marco Giansoldati
Abstract: Evidence from Indirect Local Knowledge Spillovers from Innovation Hubs Support - We assess to what extent Catapults-supported firms might generate local spillovers in industrial clusters. We apply a novel approach of the fuzzy regression discontinuity design, where we consider the discontinuity in the statistical significance of the spatial agglomeration of Catapults-supported firms. We identify positive externalities from Catapults-supported firms, in particular for unengaged firms located nearby high clusters of Catapult-supported businesses. These operate mainly through the stimulation of unsupported firms to engage with the Catapults network, encouraging productivity growth, but no upscaling by existing companies or any increase in start-up rates in surrounding areas.
Enrico Vanino short bio: Enrico is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at the School of Economics of the University of Sheffield. He is an empirical microeconomist focusing on issues related to urban and regional economics, the economics of innovation, international economics, and firms' productivity. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Birmingham and he previously worked as a fellow in economic geography at the London School of Economics. Enrico is currently a British Academy Innovation Fellow at the ONS Survey and Economic Indicators division, and part of the Council of Experts of the Innovation and Research Caucus.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 04-11-2024 - 14:27