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Seminario di ricerca: Entreprenuership, Knowledge, High Growth Firms.
Tipologia evento:
Who is an entrepreneur? Different definitions and approaches are given at the beginning with various answers concerning which types of firms – gazelles, mice, elephants - drive aggregate growth.
In a second part an empirical approach is undertaken to identify and categorize the growth cycles of Austrian firms and find those fields and types in which the frequency of dynamic growth cycles is disproportionally high. Specific challenges and general forms of policy support are discussed.
Furthermore the importance of knowledge sharing and knowledge exchange between firms in technology networks is analyzed. After a short theoretical introduction to the need of specific guiding and coordinating institutions for knowledge creation and exchange an empirical analysis of forms, channels and mechanisms of this knowledge exchange is undertaken. By means of social network analysis form and content of knowledge oriented interaction between firms are outlined.
Finally conclusions concerning the different dimensions of regional networks are drawn – knowledge is considered as the relevant resource for regional economic development.
DEAMS, Sala Atti, I piano, Via Università n. 1, Trieste
DEAMS, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche
Relatore: Prof. Michael Steiner, Università di Graz, Austria
DEAMS, Prof.ssa Stefania P. S. Rossi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-04-2018 - 15:17