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Seminario "Quasimetrics for Possibility theorems"
Tipologia evento:
Relatore: prof. Asier Estevan Muguerza (Universidad Publica de Navarra)
In the present talk we study some impossibility theorems related to intergenerational preferences when we are dealing with continuity, Pareto, anonymity or distributive fairness semiconvexity axioms. We realize that the impossiblity arises from a `lack of compatibility' between the order structure and the topology of the space (which is induced from a metric). To solve that impossibility we introduce quasipseudometric spaces, achieving possibility theorems that guarantee the continuity of the preorder. Through this technique we are now able to achieve possibility theorems when dealing with continuity, anonymity and distributive fairness semiconvexity axioms.
Keywords: Quasimetrics, Continuity, Pareto, anonymity, distributive fairness semiconvexity, Social welfare relations
DEAMS - Aula Mappe antiche, piano terra, via Tigor n. 22
DEAMS - Prof. Gianni Bosi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13-09-2019 - 10:09