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NEW NOTICE: Venue of B2 level English language test for English curricula students without language certificate
Tipologia news:
Students who are enrolled in the 2016-2017 English curricula (“Business and Management” and “Economics and Financial Markets”, or previous course programmes ) without possessing the required B2 English Language certificate are informed that they must take the special English language test that will be held:
in Androna Baciocchi, classroom C2, on Monday December 19th, 2:00 p.m.
Students that are enrolled in the second or third year but have not passed the English test yet may also take the English test.
NEW NOTICE: The venue of the test has been changed. THE TEST WILL BE HELD IN:
P.le Europa, 1 - Building "C1" - Dep. of Engineering - Hall I
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-12-2016 - 10:33